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  • Writer's pictureKaixedy

Sims 4 Rags to Riches Challenge

Updated: Jun 9, 2018

I recently saw one of my favorite Sims YouTubers, Vixella, begin her Rags to Riches Challenge on the Sims 4 so I decided that I wanted to create my own Rags to Riches Challenge. The Rags to Riches Challenge Vixella was doing is linked below.

My Rags to Riches Challenge is very similar to and inspired by the one linked above with a few modifications.


  1. Complete the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration (with first starter sim or future heir)

  2. After completing the first aspiration, complete the Mansion Baron Aspiration

  3. Have all your Sim heirs be A students

Information about the aspirations can be found on the Sims Wiki.


  1. Create a teen sim of any gender with any traits and the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration

  2. The Sim lifespan should be on normal

  3. Your Sim should have limited clothes and wear clothes a "homeless person" would wear, So nothing fancy except if you give your sim a family heirloom.

  4. If your sim has a family heirloom, all future sim heirs should also have the heirloom if possible

  5. You may only change your Sim's outfit once they have a dresser (when changing clothes try to keep the worth of the clothes around the amount of money the Sim has)

  6. Place your Sim on an empty lot in any world

  7. By pressing ctrl+shift+c you will be able to enter cheat codes. Type testingcheats on to turn on cheats and type money 0 to set the household funds to zero

  8. Your Sim may not leave the world they live in until they have a house

  9. The house must include at least 3 windows, a kitchen with a fridge, stove, sink, and counter, a bathroom with a toilet, sink, and shower, a bedroom with a bed and dresser, a living room with a t.v. and couch, a dining room with a table that can seat at least 4 people, and a computer.

  10. Your Sim can not cook food on a grill or stove until they own their own but you can take other people's food if it is left out in a public place

  11. Your Sim may not get a job until they have completed the second part of the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration, Learning Earning

  12. Only your main Sim can get a job (children, spouses, etc. can't get jobs.)

  13. Sims without jobs can earn money from painting, writing, fishing, etc.

  14. When a Sim or spouse moves in, they have to quit their job, if they had one, and can not bring in any money (if they do, set the money you have to the amount of money you had before they moved in.)

  15. Your Sim must have an heir, whether it be from adoption or with a partner

  16. Your heir can only become the main Sim after your previous main Sim dies, retires, or moves out

  17. The first heir must have the Mansion Baron Aspiration

  18. The future generations' heirs will alternate between the Fabulously Wealthy Aspiration and the Mansion Baron Aspiration until both are completed

  19. All the heirs must be A students

  20. Have Fun! (the most important rule) :3

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